Thursday, October 29, 2009

Southfield City Hall Parking Lot Rainwater Garden

Even Southfield has a rainwater garden at their City Hall.  Note the inlet, and the stones that slow down the velocity of the water before it gets to the interior.    (pic taken July 2009)

Malletts Creek Library

Malletts Creek Library is designed with rain gardens - note how the water flows from the parking lot through a concrete opening into the garden.  

Malletts Creek parking lot and landscape design is by InSite Design.

Also, they have installed labels.  On Miller Ave we could have labels inset in the concrete that said "Rain Water Garden".

Easy Street

Easy Street improvements included rain water gardens.  These are placed similar to how the Miller Avenue rain water gardens will be placed - between the sidewalk and the street.

The design of the Easy Street improvement was by Pollack Design Associates, Conservation Design Forum, JFNew, and Stantec.

1795 Miller Ave

Here is a rainwater garden that already exists on our corridor - at 1795 Miller Avenue.  This garden was installed by the resident, Jeremy Sobczak, with design help from Washtenaw County rainwater garden program.  (design consultant:  InSite Design)
Washtenaw County Rain Gardens

Washtenaw County has some straightforward construction tips, if you are looking to build your own.
Construction tips - Washtenaw County